What is Team Viewer and How to Use it?
Team Viewer is a proprietary software package for remote control, desktop sharing, online meetings, web conferencing and file transfer between computers. The software operates with the Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, and Android Operating systems. It is possible to access a machine running Team Viewer with a web browser. While the main focus of the application is remote control of computers, collaboration and presentation features are included.
Team Viewer GmbH was founded in 2005 in Uhingen, Germany .
Establishing connections
Team Viewer may be installed with an installation procedure, although the 'Quick Support' version will run without installation. To connect to another computer, Team Viewer has to be
running on both machines. To install Team Viewer administrator access is required, but once installed it can be run by any user. When Team Viewer is started on a computer, it generates a partner ID and password (user-defined passwords are also supported). To establish a connection from a local client to a remote host machine, the local operator must communicate with the remote operator, request the ID and password, then enter these into the local Team Viewer.To start an online meeting the presenter gives the Meeting ID to their participants. They join the meeting by using the Team Viewer full version or by logging on to http://go.teamviewer.com/ and enter the Meeting ID.
It is also possible to schedule a meeting in advance.
Linux port
Team Viewer for Linux is based upon the Windows version using wine. Additionally, /opt/teamviewer/teamviewer/$tv_ver/bin/teamviewer contains links to a wrapper of a Windows executable:
export TV_BINDIR=/opt/teamviewer/teamviewer/$tv_ver/bin
exec "$TV_BINDIR"/wrapper "c:\Program Files\TeamViewer\Version$tv_ver\TeamViewer.exe" "$@"
Team Viewer uses RSA private/public key exchange (1024-bit) and AES (256-bit) session encoding.
In the default configuration, Team Viewer uses one of the servers of TeamViewer.com to start the connection and the routing of traffic between the local client and the remote host machine. However in 70% of the cases after the handshake a direct connection via UDP or TCP is established.
Download Team Viewer 7
If you still have Problem how to use it then See the window which is given below. The video tutorial is not made by Eagle Eye productions, We just give you video tutorial link from Youtube.... :)